Tax Invoice in Sri Lanka: A Comprehensive Guide

Tax Invoice in Sri Lanka: A Comprehensive Guide

By Kokila Mudugamuwa

A tax invoice is an essential document in the administration of Value Added Tax (VAT) in Sri Lanka. It serves as evidence of a taxable transaction between a VAT-registered supplier and customer. Understanding the key elements of a tax invoice and the regulations surrounding its issuance is crucial for compliance with Sri Lankan tax laws.

Key Components of a Tax Invoice

A valid tax invoice in Sri Lanka must contain the following details:

  1. Supplier and Customer Details:
    • Supplier: Name, address, and VAT registration number.
    • Customer: Name, address, and VAT registration number.
  2. Invoice Details:
    • Invoice Number: A unique serial number, not exceeding 40 characters without spaces.
    • Invoice Date: The date when the invoice is issued.
    • Date of Supply: The date when the goods or services were supplied.
  3. Description of Goods or Services:
    • A detailed description of the goods or services provided.
    • Quantity or volume of the goods or services.
  4. Financial Details:
    • Value of Supply: The total value of the goods or services supplied.
    • VAT Amount: The VAT charged on the supply, typically at 18%.
    • Total Consideration: The total amount payable, including VAT.
  5. Prominent Labeling:
    • The words “Tax Invoice” should be stated prominently on the document.

Specimen of a Tax Invoice

Here’s an example of how a tax invoice might be structured:

Supplier Details:

  • Name: ABC Suppliers (Pvt) Ltd
  • Address: No. 123, Market Street, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • VAT Registration Number: 123456789

Customer Details:

  • Name: XYZ Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd
  • Address: No. 45, Business Avenue, Kandy, Sri Lanka
  • VAT Registration Number: 987654321

Invoice Details:

  • Invoice Number: INV20240001
  • Invoice Date: 12th September 2024
DescriptionQuantity/VolumeUnit Price (LKR)Total Value (LKR)
Product A100 units500.0050,000.00
Product B50 units1,000.0050,000.00
Service X10 hours2,000.0020,000.00
  • Total Value of Supply: LKR 120,000.00
  • VAT @ 18%: LKR 21,600.00
  • Total Consideration (Including VAT): LKR 141,600.00

Payment Terms: Payment due within 30 days of the invoice date.

Issuing a Tax Invoice: Guidelines

  • Issuance to VAT-Registered Persons: Only a VAT-registered supplier should issue a tax invoice to another VAT-registered person.
  • Request and Issuance Timeline:
    • The purchaser must request the tax invoice within 14 days from the time of supply if a VAT-inclusive invoice is received.
    • The supplier must issue the tax invoice within 28 days of the supply.
  • Tax Invoice for Imports: In cases of importation, the Customs Declaration (CUSDEC) or any document authenticated by the Director General of Customs is treated as a tax invoice.
  • Non-Registered Persons: If a taxable supply is made to a non-registered person, the supplier should not issue a tax invoice but instead provide an invoice showing the total consideration as one figure, inclusive of tax.

Importance of Tax Invoices

Tax invoices are critical for:

  • Proper tax administration and record-keeping.
  • Calculating and collecting output tax from customers.
  • Ensuring compliance with VAT regulations.

Download the Tax Invoice Specimen (Click Here)

For reference, you can download a specimen of a tax invoice to understand its format and required details. This serves as a guide for preparing tax invoices correctly and ensuring compliance with Sri Lankan tax laws.

Watch Video below for more details

Tax Invoice | How to prepare Tax Invoice Correctly | Sri Lanka

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